Routine K/Ar age determination on post-Silurian dolerite dykes, North Greenland fold belt


  • P.R Dawes
  • D.C Rex
  • N.J Soper



This note documents results of routine K/Ar isotopic age determination of dolerite dykes from the North Greenland fold belt. All the material was collected in 1969 by two of us (P.R.D. and N.J.S.) during the Joint Services Expedition to Peary Land; the isotopic analyses have been undertaken by D.C.R. in the geologicallaboratories of the University of Leeds. In view of the renewed interest in the tectonic and magmatic history of the Peary Land region stemming from the systematic field studies carried out by GGU in 1978-1980 (see GGU Rapport 88, 99 and 106), the results of this early dating programme are listed here as a contribution to this discussion. Recently, some reference has been made in the literature to these hitherto unpublished results (Dawes & Soper, 1979; Higgins et al., 1981; Håkansson & Pedersen, 1982).




How to Cite

Dawes, P., Rex, D., & Soper, N. (1983). Routine K/Ar age determination on post-Silurian dolerite dykes, North Greenland fold belt. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 115, 9–14.