Uranium exploration in South Greenland


  • A Armour-Brown
  • T Tukiainen
  • Wallin B
  • C Bradshaw
  • C.H Emeleus




FolIowing the promising reconnaissance results in 1979 and the finding of uranium and niobium mineralisation in 1980 (Armour-Brown et al., 1981), the Syduran project was extended under the Ministry of Energy's Research Programmes of 1981 and 1982 which has allowed one further fjeld season for folIowing up some of the more promising anomalies and uranium mineral occurrences. The main objectives of this season's work was firstly to initiate the detailed mapping of the U-Nb mineralised zones and the geology of the Motzfeldt Centre and secondly to locate the source of as many geochemical and gamma-spectrometer anomalies as possibie which occur in the Granite Zone and Migmatite Complex of South Greenland (fig. 21), at the same time as evaluating the appropriate exploration techniques in the different environments.




How to Cite

Armour-Brown, A., Tukiainen, T., Wallin B, Bradshaw, C., & Emeleus, C. (1983). Uranium exploration in South Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 115, 68–75. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v115.7834