Stratigraphy of the basalts of Savoia Halvø, central East Greenland


  • W.S Watt
  • M Watt



In the early 1970s the greater part of the basalts an the southern side af Scoresby Sund were mapped by the authors and a five-fold lithostratigraphic division was established for the area as a whole. In 1971 C. H. Emeleus mapped the basalts on the eastern part af Savoia Halvø (Emeleus, 1971) and K. Birkenmajer examined fhe overlying Tertiary sediments (Birkenmajer. 1972). The main objective af the work in the summer of 1982 was to correlate tbe lava succession as mapped by Emeleus in 1971 with the strategraphy established to the west and south-west. It was considered particularly important as the basalts here overlie black mudstoncs af Cretaceous age and also underlie the Eocene deposits of the Kap Dalton Formation. The authors have drawn extensively on Emeleus' mapping and have modified it according to tile geological divisions used here.




How to Cite

Watt, W., & Watt, M. (1983). Stratigraphy of the basalts of Savoia Halvø, central East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 115, 83–88.