Marine geophysical investigations offshore East Greenland


  • H.C Larsen



During August and September 1982 a marine geophysical survey was conducted on the East Greenland Shelf. The survey was part of the ongoing regional project NAD (Larsen & Andersen, 1982; Andersen et al., 1981; Risum, 1980; Larsen & Thorning, 1980). In all 2794 km of 30-fold multi-channel seismic data and marine gravity and magnetic data were acquired (fig. 33). The object of the NAD programme is to acquire regional coverage of aeromagnetic, multichannel seismic refiection, seismic refraction (sonobuoy), marine gravity and magnetic data of the East Greenland Shelf between latitudes 60° N and 78°N. Aeromagnetic data comprising 63000 line kilometres were acquired in 1979 (Larsen & Thorning, 1980) and 5000 km of marine geophysical data were acquired in 1980 and 1981 (Larsen & Andersen, 1982; Andersen et al., 1981). This year the final data for the project were collected. Thus, a total of 7800 km of multi-channel refiection seismic data and 50 sonobuoy refraction seismic profiles of 20 to 70 km length have been acquired (fig. 33). In addition, marine gravity and magnetics were run at most lines.




How to Cite

Larsen, H. (1983). Marine geophysical investigations offshore East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 115, 93–100.