Greenschist facies metabasites from the Hellefiskefjord – G.B. Schley Fjord area, eastern Peary Land, North Greenland


  • R.E Bevins
  • G Rowbotham



Examination of mineral phases in metabasalts and metadolerites from lava flows and intrusions exposed in the Hellefiskefjord - G. B. Sehley Fjord area of North Greenland shows that the metamorphie grade in this region is generally within the greensehist facies, with the development of assemblages eontaining aetinolite-epidote-albite-ehlorite-sphene±biotite±stilpnomelane. However, eertain flows eontain pumpellyite, whieh is indieative of a slightly lower grade of metamorphism. The reason for this variation is thought to be loeal permeability-eontrolled alteration within the flows. The lateral equivalents of these metabasites in the area south of Independenee Fjord show lower grades of metamorphism, within either the prehnite-pumpellyite or the zeolite facies. This is probably related to thinner Lower Palaeozoic sequences and/or the absence of Carboniferous to Tertiary Wandel Sea Basin sediments in the area to the south.




How to Cite

Bevins, R., & Rowbotham, G. (1984). Greenschist facies metabasites from the Hellefiskefjord – G.B. Schley Fjord area, eastern Peary Land, North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 118, 1–17.