Further field observations in the Ivisârtoq region of southern West Greenland


  • M Brewer
  • B Chadwick
  • K Coe
  • J.F.W Park




Mapping by the Exeter team was begun in 1981 and in three field seasons six geologists have been engaged for a total of 14 man/seasons. This is a sad comparison with the Buksefjorden project which, though covering a comparable area, benefitted from an investment of 24 man/seasons spread over six field seasons. Geologists mapping the Ivisârtoq area had the benefit of earlier reconnaissance maps and reports, but it is felt very strongly that the complexity of the ground and the degree of outcrop on the one hand, and the enormous significance of a proper interpretation on the other, justify a more intensive investigation. Mapping af the Ivisårtoq sheet was scheduled for completion in 1983 but inclement weather meant that some small parts of the area were not mapped. However, sampling programmes for certain specific problems were satisfactorily concluded. To keep this report as short as possible, it concentrates mainly on new and significant observations and interpretations made in the 1983 field season, so that some important aspects of the geology of the area are not mentioned here.




How to Cite

Brewer, M., Chadwick, B., Coe, K., & Park, J. (1984). Further field observations in the Ivisârtoq region of southern West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 120, 55–67. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v120.7858