Hydrological modelling in Greenland in connection with hydropower


  • R.J Braithwaite




There is still interest in the possibility of using runoff for the generation of hydroelectric power in Greenland. However, systematic investigations of the hydrological conditions in the country are relatively recent. For example, the longest runoff series were only started in 1976, while measurements were started even later at potentially attractive sites near to Jakobshavn, Christianshåb, Godthåb, Frederikshåb, and Angmagssalik. A knowledge of hydrological conditions, especiaIly with respect to annual mnoff and its variability, is naturally one of the important components in the planning of hydropower projects. However, the sparsity of hydrological data in Greenland means that the identification and evaluation of possibie hydropower sites must be made initially in the complete absence of any measurements of runoff in the area. Once a site has been judged to be potentially attractive, measurements of runoff will, of course, be started there. Such measurements will continue for a few years but one cannot afford to wait for several decades to assernbie a statistically representative measurement series before making any decision about the feasibility of the project.




How to Cite

Braithwaite, R. (1984). Hydrological modelling in Greenland in connection with hydropower. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 120, 90–94. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v120.7865