Aeromagnetic maps of parts of southern and central West Greenland: acquisition, compilation and general analysis of data


  • L Thorning



Approximately 52 000 line km of aeromagnetic data were acquired in 1975 and 1976. The data are mainly compiled from six survey areas between 64°N and 68°15'N, and from reconnaissance lines flown over several regions of West Greenland between 62°30'N and 72°N. The compilation involved editing and cleaning of data, first order correction of diurnal variation by use of a filtered base station magnetic fieid, further magnetic levelling using tie lines, and finally gridding of data. From the gridded data a coloured contour map has been produced at a scale of 1:500 000 together with black and white contoured maps at 1:250000. The report contains a general discusion of the major anomalies. The major elements in the discusssion are the relationships between the aeromagnetic field and geological features such as metamorphic facies boundaries, lithological units and structural lineaments.




How to Cite

Thorning, L. (1984). Aeromagnetic maps of parts of southern and central West Greenland: acquisition, compilation and general analysis of data. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 122, 1–36.