Preparation for the South-East Greenland mapping project 1986–1987


  • T.F.D Nielsen
  • J.C Escher



A major project in South-East Greenland is planned for 1986 and 1987 with the aim of mapping the area covered by the 1:500 000 sheet 14 (Skjoldungen) and studying the only sporadically investigated Precambrian areas between 66°45'N and 62°30'N (fig. 30). Logistic and geological reconnaissance work has been conducted in the area since 1981 (Escher & Nielsen, 1982, 1983). During August 1984 the two authors spent three days on an airborne photo-reconnaissance over most of the area. The objectives were: 1. To test a possibie Twin Otter landing strip in Kagssortoq (63°15'N) in the Skjoldungen district and to observe other airstrip possibilities in the area. 2. To cover major aspects of the geology of the area with oblique photographs (more than 600 coloour slides, 45 x 60 mm, are now available). 3. To gain more knowledge of the general structure of the Archaean block.




How to Cite

Nielsen, T., & Escher, J. (1985). Preparation for the South-East Greenland mapping project 1986–1987. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 125, 84–87.