Geological photogrammetry using standard colour slides


  • K.S Dueholm
  • A.A Garde



Photogrammctric mapping methods (Dueholm, 1979; Jepsen & Dueholm, 1978; Pedersen, 1981) are widely used by the Geological Survey of Greenland (GGU). However, until now it has only been possible to use vertical aerial photographs taken with large frame photogrammetric cameras. As a major part af the geology in Greenland is exposed on steep mountain sides. there are many afcas that e(]llllot be rnappcd from vertical aerial pl1otographs. In 1983 a research projccl was set up to invcstigate phologrammetric mapping using commerci ally available oblique aeria! photographs, as well as terrestriaJ photographs taken by geologists with ordinary 24/36 mm cameras (fig. 1). A new type of photogrammetric instrument, the Kern DSR11/GP1 AnalyticaI Plotter, was procured for this and other projects. Here we present results and experience from the first successful mapping in Greenland with an ordinary 24/36 mm camera.




How to Cite

Dueholm, K., & Garde, A. (1986). Geological photogrammetry using standard colour slides. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 130, 69–74.