Reconnaissance dating of Archaean rocks from South-East Greenland


  • J.C Escher
  • F Kalsbeek
  • O Larsen
  • T.F.D Nielsen
  • P.N Taylor



A major project of geological investigations in South-East Greenland is planned for 1986 and 1987 with the aim of producing sheet 14 of the 1:500000 geological map series covering Greenland. The northern part of the map sheet is occupied by the Nagssugtoqidian mobile belt, and the southern part consists mainly of Archaean rocks. Because of difficulties of access, the Archaean part of the area is poorly known. Geological reconnaissance has been carried out by Bridgwater & Gormsen (1969), and, as a preparation for the 1986 and 1987 expeditions, by Escher & Nielsen (1982, 1983) and Nielsen & Escher (1985). This report presents reconnaissance Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb whole-rock age determinations from the Archaean part of the map sheet.




How to Cite

Escher, J., Kalsbeek, F., Larsen, O., Nielsen, T., & Taylor, P. (1986). Reconnaissance dating of Archaean rocks from South-East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 130, 90–95.