Aspects of Franklinian shelf, slope and trough evolution and stratigraphy in North Greenland


  • F Surlyk
  • J.R Ineson



The Early Palaeozoic Franklinian basin of North Greenland was initiated in early Cambrian times with the onset of siliciclastic and mixed carbonate shelf deposition on a substratum of Proterozoic sediments and Precambrian crystalline basement. The basin rapidly differentiated into shelf, slope, and trough environments. The boundary between these major depositional regimes follows major roughly east-west trending lineaments. The inner-outer shelf transition fluetuated widely in position and was controlled by the interplay between sea-level changes and periodic northwards downwarping. In Ordovician-Silurian times the margin of the carbonate platform migrated northwards to coincide with the shelf-slope break and had a steep scarp configuration with an abrupt transition to the shales and turbidites of the deep-water basin. In this paper we pay special attention to the initial basin sequence (Skagen Group), the collapsed and broken platform carbonates of the Lower Cambrian Portfjeld Formation, the Middle - Late Cambrian inner-outer shelf transition and to the nature of the Silurian platform margin scarp.




How to Cite

Surlyk, F., & Ineson, J. (1987). Aspects of Franklinian shelf, slope and trough evolution and stratigraphy in North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 133, 41–58.