The Cambrian Henson Gletscher Formation: a mature to postmature hydrocarbon source rock sequence from North Greenland


  • F.G Christiansen
  • H Nøhr-Hansen
  • O Nykjær



During the 1985 field season the Cambrian Henson Gletscher Formation in central North Greenland was studied in detail with the aim of evaluating its potential as a hydrocarbon source rock. The formation contains organic rich shale and carbonate mudstone which are considered to be potential source rocks. These are sedimentologically coupled with a sequence of sandstones and coarse carbonates which might be potential reservoir rocks or migration conduits. Most of the rocks exposed on the surface are, however, thermally mature to postrnature with respect to hydrocarbon generation, leaving only few chances of finding trapped oil in the subsurface of the area studied in detail.




How to Cite

Christiansen, F., Nøhr-Hansen, H., & Nykjær, O. (1987). The Cambrian Henson Gletscher Formation: a mature to postmature hydrocarbon source rock sequence from North Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 133, 141–157.