Regional geological investigations in the Ammassalik district, South-East Greenland


  • F Kalsbeek
  • T.F.D Nielsen



One of GGU's main expeditions in 1986 took place in July and August in the Ammassalik (Angmagssalik) district of South-East Greenland between 64° and 67°N (fig. 1). Until this summer the geology of this region was known only superficially, mainly from reconnaissance by Wager (1934), from local mapping projects by the University of Birmingham in the sixties and early seventies (Wright et al., 1973) and from coastal reconnaissance carried out by GGU under the direction of D. Bridgwater, mainly in the seventies (e.g. Bridgwater & Gormsen, 1968; Bridgwater et al., 1977; Bridgwater & Myers, 1979). The present work had two major aims: to provide regional data for the preparation of the 1:500 000 map sheet 14 and to obtain an impression of the area's economic mineral resources. Much of the summer's work was based on helicopter support which made it possibie to study large inland areas that had not been visited previously.




How to Cite

Kalsbeek, F., & Nielsen, T. (1987). Regional geological investigations in the Ammassalik district, South-East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 135, 59–66.