Reconnaissance for economic minerals in the Kangerdlugssuaq area, East Greenland


  • C.K Brooks
  • H.K Schønwandt
  • G Stenstrop



As an intergral part of GGU's work in East Greenland in 1986 (Kalsbeek & Nielsen, this report) a party visited the Kangerdlugssuaq area with a view to assessing its economie potential. Logistic support was shared with the Geodetic Institute. During most of the period spent in the field area (27 July to 12 August) Stenstrop, assisted by Henrik Krarup (a student assistant), worked on Flammefjeld, a porphyry molybdenum prospeet earlier investigated by the Northern Mining Company of Copenhagen (Geyti & Thomassen, 1984), while Brooks and Sehønwandt investigated other targets and eo-operated closely with Platinova Resources Ltd of Toronto who have a eoneession in the area. Kangerdlugssuaq is an area of Arehaean gneisses whieh was subject to intense magmatie activity in the early Tertiary when the present continental margin was loeated over the hot spot whieh now lies under Iceland. The geology has reeently been reviewed by Brooks & Nielsen (1982), where loealities mentioned here ean be identified.




How to Cite

Brooks, C., Schønwandt, H., & Stenstrop, G. (1987). Reconnaissance for economic minerals in the Kangerdlugssuaq area, East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 135, 66–68.