The last full summer of glacier-climate investigations at Qamanârssûp sermia, West Greenland


  • R.J Braithwaite



As part of the GGU programme of hydropower investigations in West Greenland, glaciological and climatological measurements were continued at Qamanarssiip serrnia in 1986. The station was first established in the late summer of 1979 so that records for seven complete summers 1980-1986 are now available. Brief reports on the work have been given by Olesen (1981), Olesen & Braithwaite (1982), Braithwaite (1983a, 1984, 1985a, 1986a). More detailed analyses and presentations of data are given in Braithwaite & Olesen (1982) and Braithwaite (1983b, 1985b). According to present plans, the Qamanarssup serrnia station will not be manned again for a full summer as it has been for the last seven years. However, a reduced programme of measurements will be continued in future years. A brief discussion of future plans is given at the end of this report.




How to Cite

Braithwaite, R. (1987). The last full summer of glacier-climate investigations at Qamanârssûp sermia, West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 135, 95–99.