Reconnaissance aeromagnetic survey east of Disko Bugt, central West Greenland


  • L Thorning



The Geological Survey of Gre.enland plans a major aeromagnetic survey in the Disko Bugt region over the coming years. It has already been started with some introductory work in 1986 and 1987 (Knudsen el al., 1988). In this context, closed-file geophysical data were reviewed at GGU, and it soon became clear that good quality regional aeromagnetic data were lacking from the area and that the geological investigations would benefit from such data. Funds were not available for a systematic survey over the entire area, but in April 1987 a situation arose in which at least part of the area could be surveyed. Due to the change of plans for the aeromagnetic surveying of the GICAS project, described by Thorning el al. (1988), it was possibie to include one survey flight east of Disko Bugt. The measurements were made from the National Aeronauticai Establishment aircraft (CFNRC), which is a well equipped Convair-580 with very good navigational capabilities and a 3-axis magnetic gradiometer.




How to Cite

Thorning, L. (1988). Reconnaissance aeromagnetic survey east of Disko Bugt, central West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 140, 26–27.