Examples of bar accretion in fluvial sand, the Atane Formation, eastern Disko, West Greenland


  • G.K Pedersen
  • M.W Jeppesen




The aim of the present paper is to supply additional sedimentological observations and to add new details to the existing interpretation of the Atane Formation on eastern Disko. Examples of epsilon cross-bedding reflect formation of point bars and indicate intermittent development of sinuous channels in the coarse-grained braided river. Large tabularsets of planar cross-bedding are interpreted as transverse bars and the coalescerice of two such bars are discussed in detail. The field work was carried out during five days in July 1987 as part of a sedimentological research project supported by GGU and financed by SNF.




How to Cite

Pedersen, G., & Jeppesen, M. (1988). Examples of bar accretion in fluvial sand, the Atane Formation, eastern Disko, West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 140, 38–43. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v140.8030