Upper Devonian and Upper Permian vertebrates collected in 1987 around Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord, central East Greenland


  • S.E Bendix-Almgreen
  • J.A Clack
  • H Olsen




In July and August 1987 a five-man British/Danish vertebrate palaeontological expedition earried out field work on Gauss Halvø and eastern Ymer Ø to collect fossil vertebrates from exposures of the Upper Devonian continental and Upper Permian marine deposits. In the eontext of sampling for vertebrates the Upper Devonian deposits were last visited in 1955 when one af the writers (SEB-A) assisted the late Dr Eigil Nielsen with field work while the Upper Permian marine deposits have not been examined sinee Bendix-Almgreen's fieId work in the Kap Stosch area in the summer of 1967.




How to Cite

Bendix-Almgreen, S., Clack, J., & Olsen, H. (1988). Upper Devonian and Upper Permian vertebrates collected in 1987 around Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord, central East Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 140, 95–102. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v140.8045