Disko Bugt Project 1991, West Greenland


  • F Kalsbeek
  • F.G Christiansen




One of GGU's major field activities in 1991 took place in July and August in the Disko Bugt region of central West Greenland. This was the third year of field investigations under the 'Disko Bugt Project', planned for 1999–1992, with one summer's break in 1990. The project spreads over various activities and over two very different geological provinces: the Archaean-Proterozoic basement east and north-east of Disko Bugt, and the onshore part of the Cretaceous-Tertiary basin in the west, on Disko and the western part of Nugssuaq (Fig. 1). In 1989, the second year of the project, work was concentrated in the eastern basement part of the study area, and in 1991 this work was brought to conclusion. In 1992 field work (including a shallow core drilling campaign) will be concentrated in the sediments and volcanics on Nugssuaq and Svartenhuk Halvø to the north. The main aim of the Disko Bugt Project is to provide a background for the evaluation of the economic potential of the regional mineral resources, mainly in the Precambrian basement, and the hydrocarbon potential of the neighbouring basin offshore (see Kalsbeek, 1989. 1990).




How to Cite

Kalsbeek, F., & Christiansen, F. (1992). Disko Bugt Project 1991, West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, 155, 36–41. https://doi.org/10.34194/rapggu.v155.8178