Guide to excursion in Bornholm. 8th annual working meeting in Sweden and Denmark of Project Tornquist/Southwest border of the East-European Platform


  • Peter Gravesen DGU
  • Merete Bjerreskov University of Copenhagen



Bornholm is the easternmost island of Denmark and rather far away from the rest of the country (Fig. 1). Situated in the south-eastern part of the Fenno-Scandian Border Zone (Tornquist Line) with the Fenno-Scandian Precambrian Shield towards the north and the Danish-Polish Subbasin towards the south, Bornholm has a complex tectonic and sedimentological history (like Scania). The pre-Quaternary surface consists of Precambrian basement rocks in the northern part of the island, whereas Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments, often separated from the basement by faults, are found in the western and southern part (Fig. 2). The pre-Quaternary rocks are all covered by Quaternary deposits, mainly tills and melt water sediments.




How to Cite

Gravesen, P., & Bjerreskov, M. (1984). Guide to excursion in Bornholm. 8th annual working meeting in Sweden and Denmark of Project Tornquist/Southwest border of the East-European Platform. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Serie C, 3, 1–84.