Vol. 36 (1998): Petroleum potential and depositional environments of Middle Jurassic coals and non-marine deposits, Danish Central Graben, with special reference to the Søgne Basin

Volume 36 cover

Cover photo: Photomicrograph of yellowish-orange fluorescing folded cutinites derived from the outer layer of leaves (cuticle) in a groundmass of vitrinite. Sample 4473A, West Lulu-1 well, Middle Jurassic Bryne Formation, seam T3, 17.78-25.40 cm; reflected blue-light, water immersion. The section is c. 300 µm across.

Henrik I. Petersen, Jan Andsbjerg, Jørgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Hans P. Nytoft and Per Rosenberg

The presence of hydrocarbons with typical terrestrial geochemical signatures in the Danish Central Graben has made the search for petroleum-prone terrestrial source rock and intriguing question.

This bulletin gives a comprehensive account of Middle Jurassic coals and carbonaceous mudstones in the Danish sector of the North Sea, particularly those of the Bryne Formation. A multidisciplinary approach incorporating organic petrography and geochemistry, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, provides strong evidence for the petroleum-proneness of the coals and for the close relationship between generative capacity and depositional environment. 

Published: 1998-08-18
