Mafic igneous rocks and mineralisation in the Palaeoproterozoic Ketilidian orogen, South-East Greenland: project SUPRASYD 1996
The multidisciplinary SUPRASYD project (1992–96) focused on a regional investigation of the Palaeoproterozoic Ketilidian orogenic belt which crosses the southern tip of Greenland. Apart from a broad range of geological and structural studies (Nielsen et al., 1993; Garde & Schønwandt, 1994, 1995; Garde et al., 1997), the project included a mineral resource evaluation of the supracrustal sequences associated with the Ketilidian orogen (e.g. Mosher, 1995). The Ketilidian orogen of southern Greenland can be divided from north-west to south-east into: (1) a border zone in which the crystalline rocks of the Archaean craton are unconformably overlain by Ketilidian supracrustal rocks; (2) a major polyphase pluton, referred to as the Julianehåb batholith; and (3) extensive areas of Ketilidian supracrustal rocks, divided into psammitic and pelitic rocks with subordinate interstratified mafic volcanic rocks (Fig. 1). The Julianehåb batholith is viewed as emplaced in a magmatic arc setting; the supracrustal sequences south of the batholith have been interpreted as either (1) deposited in an intra-arc and fore-arc basin (Chadwick & Garde, 1996), or (2) deposited in a back-arc or intra-arc setting (Stendal & Swager, 1995; Swager, 1995). Both possibilities are plausible and infer subduction-related processes. Regional compilations of geological, geochemical and geophysical data for southern Greenland have been presented by Thorning et al. (1994). Mosher (1995) has recently reviewed the mineral exploration potential of the region. The commercial company Nunaoil A/S has been engaged in gold prospecting in South Greenland since 1990 (e.g. Gowen et al., 1993). A principal goal of the SUPRASYD project was to test the mineral potential of the Ketilidian supracrustal sequences and define the gold potential in the shear zones in the Julianehåb batholith. Previous work has substantiated a gold potential in amphibolitic rocks in the south-west coastal areas (Gowen et al., 1993.), and in the amphibolitic rocks of the Kutseq area (Swager et al., 1995). Field work in 1996 was focused on prospective gold-bearing sites in mafic rocks in South-East Greenland. Three M.Sc. students mapped showings under the supervision of the H. S., while an area on the south side of Kangerluluk fjord was mapped by H. S. and W. M. (Fig. 4).
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